
October 7, 2014

Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Georgia Lawyers

Filed under: Cardura — Lawyer @ 6:31 pm

SEGMENT: Tractor Trailer Wrecks
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Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Atlanta Attorneys

My dad was driving on the interstate and a guy driving a tractor trailer hit the rear of my dad’s car. It spun his car around and he crashed into the median.


And I’ll talk about car wrecks involving tractor trailers in just a moment.
But let me start off by saying the men and women that are out there driving tractor trailers are extremely important to our economy.
Most are very conscientious professionals.
They are careful about how they drive their rigs.
And they make sure that the tractors they are operating and the trailers they are pulling are in the safest condition.

Some people refer to Tractor Trailers as “40 Tons of Death on Wheels.” And for good reason . . .
As large as these trucks are, even a relatively low impact collision can often lead to serious injuries or even death.
A typical, fully loaded large commercial truck can weigh over 80,000 pounds while an average passenger automobile weighs approximately 3,000 pounds.
So getting back to your question:
Will you dad be able to take on the tractor trailer company, the insurance company, and their lawyers by himself – especially when he is trying to recuperate from his injuries?

If you don’t act quickly, the evidence against the truck driver or the trucking company could be lost.

This log reflects when they start their day, all stops along the way, and certifies that they have inspected their vehicles.
These logs can also be used as evidence that the driver was speeding between his last stop and where the wreck occurred, or that he suffered from driver fatigue because of the number of hours he spent on the road.
And how long are truck driver’s required to keep their driver’s logs?

Keep in mind: in order to drive these big trucks, the drivers must have a commercial driver’s license.

They must continue to supervise the drivers too to make sure they are not operating their rigs in an unsafe manner.
Now I am a big advocate of defensive driving, so let me give you some tips to try and prevent injuries on the highway and avoid these accidents altogether.
(1) Drive with caution around trucks on the road.

If you or a family member is involved in a tractor trailer wreck, the single most important piece of advice I can give you is this:
Call a lawyer. If not us, please call a lawyer that has experience handling tractor trailer claims. It is a BAD idea to try and take on the trucking company, their insurance company, and their lawyers by yourself.
If you or a loved one has been injured because of a distracted driver, Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our legal professionals are standing by right now to speak with you.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

Workers Compensation Lawyer

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September 26, 2014

Orlando, Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Who Puts Your Needs First

Filed under: Cardura — Lawyer @ 5:38 pm

Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer Who Understands Your Case

“Studies find that drivers who text generally take their eyes off the road for about 5 seconds. If you’re driving a car at 55 mph, you’re essentially driving the length of a football field blindfolded. Most drivers who spend any amount of time on the road might notice someone who is swerving from lane to lane. A decade ago you might have thought that the driver was drunk. Nowadays, it’s more likely that the person is distracted by a cellphone.”

Preventing Motorcycle Accidents

Planning for bad weather is a terrible way to try to bring down the rate of fatal motorcycle collisions. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has provided some tips that can actually improve safety conditions. The tips were published in the start of May, because May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The NHTSA advises people to:

– Ensure a motorcycle rider has the full width of a lane at all times and not encroach on the rider’s space.
– Check mirrors and blind spots carefully because motorcycles are smaller and harder to see than cars are.
– Allow at least a three to four second following distance to avoid getting too close to a motorcyclist and potentially hitting him an emergency.
– Avoid distracted and impaired driving.
motorcycle riders are advised to:
– Wear helmets that are compliant with minimum Department of Transportation specifications.
– Have a motorcycle license and undergo safety training.
– Obey all traffic safety laws.
– Use both turn signals and hand signals before changing lanes or turning.
– Wear clothing that is brightly colored to increase the chance of a driver seeing you.
– Stay right in the middle of the lane where you are most visible.

If both motorcyclists and drivers take the NHTSA tips to heart and follow the advice, hopefully there will be fewer motorcycle fatalities in the future.

Technology, however, may help prevent drivers from texting. According to an April 2, 2014, article in WKMG Local 6, two Central Florida brothers have come up with an app that can make it impossible to text while driving. The brothers admit they used their phones in the past to text while driving on many occasions. One brother, Phil Stiles, told Local 6 that he wanted to create an app that would remove the temptation to text and drive. The app, called TXTShield, works like this: When a vehicle hits a certain speed, it will activate and the driver cannot read an inbound text or send an outbound text. If you text someone with the app, you will receive a message stating that the person is driving and unable to respond.

Central Florida accident victims can contact Winter Park, FL personal injury attorney Richard B. Troutman by calling 866-434-5770.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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October 27, 2013

Risks of Distracted Driving – Causes of Tennessee Traffic Accidents

Filed under: Cardura — Lawyer @ 5:20 pm


Distracted driving has become one of the top causes of auto accidents, with so many people on cell phones today who either talk or send texts behind the wheel.  Using the phone in the car, getting involved in conversations with passengers, eating, grooming and even having a pet in the car with you have all been demonstrated to be risky behaviors that can increase your accident risk.

Now, however, one study suggests that there may be some good news when it comes to distracted driving: listening to music in the car might be OK. In fact, one recent study indicated that listening to music might even improve your reaction time under some circumstances. Our lawyers know that every driver is different in terms of what takes his focus off the roads. Still, the new study suggests that you might be safe to at least listen to your favorite tunes while you travel.

Music May Not be a Dangerous Distraction

The new study that assessed the impact of music on driving ability was conducted by Dutch researchers and reported on by US News & World Report.  The study involved 47 students between the ages of 19 and 25. The students in the study had, on average, more than two-and-a-half years of driving experience.
The study participants were asked to create a playlist to listen to while they drove. The playlist was supposed to contain music that the drivers were familiar with and that they enjoyed listening to. The drivers then completed a simulated driving course several times while they were listening to the music at various volumes. They took the course with the music off, with the music at intermediate volumes, and with the music turned up loud. The drivers were not able to adjust the volume of the music as they were driving the course, which took about half an hour to complete.  The simulated driving experience mimicked normal driving on a road with two-way traffic, much like the type of driving people might do on their way to work.
The participants were closely monitored as they drove the course and questioned about their experiences. The outcome of the study showed that the music did not have an adverse impact on their ability to drive or focus. In fact, the opposite may have been true. Drivers who had the music on were faster at responding to what the car in front was doing than drivers who did not have the music playing.


Distracted Driving

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July 19, 2013

Cross Examininng Accident Reconstruction Experts – Accident Lawyers West Palm Beach Fl

Filed under: Cardura — Lawyer @ 2:36 pm

How Unexpected Injuries Can be Life Changing – Car Accident Lawyers West Palm Beach

If there’s a dispute over who’s at fault, you should not hesitate to get in touch with an attorney. There may be complicated factors. For instance, the other driver might not have been uninsured or underinsured.

While nothing prevents you from filing a claim on your own, you may recover a significantly greater amount of money in the long term with the help of an experienced accident lawyer in West Palm Beach. Contact Attorney David J. Glatthorn for a free consultation. If you are represented by our firm, you pay no fees unless you win.

Obviously, in some cases, you may not need an attorney. If you were in a minor fender-bender and were not injured, you likely will not need a lawyer. But in cases involving serious injury, or if there’s a dispute over who’s at fault, you should not hesitate to get in touch with an attorney. There may be complicated factors. For instance, the other driver might not have been uninsured or underinsured. David Glatthorn knows how to handle any difficult case.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We are happy to tell you whether or not you have a case.

David Glatthorn understands the serious nature of all types of serious injuries – Attorney West Palm Beach. When you connect with an experienced personal injury lawyer like Attorney Glatthorn, you get a lawyer who will fight for you and treat you with dignity and respect. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.

Personal Injury Lawyer

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